It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Following is a curated list of the upcoming holiday parties, shows, races and events in Madison, WI.
Holiday Shows
- A Madison Symphony Christmas takes place Dec. 6-8 at the Overture Center. Tickets are $15-$104.
- The Capitol Christmas Pageant takes place Dec. 8 at the State Capitol. Free to attend.
- “All is Calm” runs Dec. 5-15 at the Overture Center. Tickets are $30-$38.
- “A Christmas Carol” runs Dec. 7-22 at the Overture Center. Tickets are $51-$78.
- “The Nutcracker” runs Dec. 13-22 at the Overture Center. Tickets are $25-$114.
Holiday Parties and Celebrations
- The Magnet Winter Charity Fete is held Dec. 6 at the Bur Oak. Tickets are $75-$100.
- The Downtowners Social Club Hark the Holiday Party takes place Dec. 10 at the Tinsmith. Free to attend.
- The Elvehjem Holiday in the Park takes place Dec. 14 at Elvehjem Park. Free to attend.
- A Dean Martin Christmas Party is held on Dec. 14 at Lake Louie Brewing. Free to attend.
- An Ugly Sweater Party is held Dec. 14 at all Nitty Gritty locations. Free to attend.
Holiday Races and Bar Crawls
- The Christmas Bar Crawl starts at Red Rock Saloon on Dec. 14. Tickets cost $20.
- The Santa Cycle Rampage starts and ends at Breese Stevens Field on Dec. 14. Tickets are $5-$25.
- Run, Santa, Run 5K takes place Dec. 21 on the Capitol Square. Fee is $25-$50.
Other Holiday Events
- The Holiday Fantasy in Lights runs Nov. 9-Dec. 31 at Olin Park. Admission is free.
- Zoo Lights is held Nov. 29-Dec. 29 (Fridays-Sundays) at Henry Vilas Zoo. Tickets cost $10.
- Winter Wonderland in the Village takes place Dec. 7 in McFarland. Free to attend.
- The Fair Trade Holiday Festival takes place Dec. 7 at Monona Terrace. Free to attend.
- The HolidayFest Arts & Crafts Fair takes place Dec. 7 at Warner Park Community Recreation Center. Entry fee is $1.
- Holiday Express runs Dec. 7-31 at Olbrich Gardens. Tickets are $5-$8.
- Flixmas with the movies “Elf” and “National Lampoon Christmas Vacation” showing on several dates in December at Flix Brewhouse. Tickets are $7.
Photo by Madison Symphony Orchestra
Tags: downtown, east side, McFarland, Middleton, near west, north side, south side, Sun Prairie, Verona