Coffee Tamer

Coffee TamerI was intrigued to learn about the benefits of a low-acid diet and thus accepted an invitation to try Coffee Tamer, which reduces 90% of acids in your coffee.

So how does it work? Coffee Tamer uses a natural mineral formula that reduces the acidity in foods and beverages without affecting the flavor or aroma. Reducing acid in your diet can help relieve heartburn, upset stomach, indigestion and acid reflux. It also can reduce teeth enamel erosion.

Coffee Tamer’s active ingredients are calcium (90 mg per serving), magnesium (<1 mg), potassium (14 mg) and sodium (3 mg). It has zero calories and is sugar-free, non-GMO and Keto-friendly.

Over the course of a week, I used Coffee Tamer daily in my morning coffee. If you’re someone who adds cream and sugar to your coffee, then you likely won’t notice a difference in taste. For black coffee, I thought the sharpness and bitterness were subdued, and I got used to it as I drank more and more of the coffee.

The point is, that it’s easy to incorporate Coffee Tamer into your daily coffee routine. The parent company, similarly called Coffee Tamer, also sells CalciBlend to reduce acid before digestion and Wine Tamer to reduce acid in wine.

Coffee Tamer comes in a box of 50 individual packets ($14.99) and a shaker bottle ($34.99), plus you can purchase it in larger quantities. It is available on its website.


Photo courtesy of Coffee Tamer


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