Bourbon 101

Bourbon 101Since I enjoy drinking bourbon, I accepted an offer to review a book about it called Bourbon 101 ($27.95, University Press of Kentucky). It will be available to the public on May 2, 2023.

Bourbon 101 offers a distinctive and introductory approach to learning about the world of bourbon through author Albert W. A. Schmid’s own experiences. The book is pretty comprehensive. Besides history, it describes the laws around bourbon production and even explains terminology (e.g., “proof”) and how to order at a bar.

Each chapter is called a lesson, and each lesson ends with a quiz. In fact, you may want to consider Bourbon 101 as a handbook.

For example, you can reference the five Ss when tasting bourbon, as described in lesson 4: see, sniff, sip, swirl and savor. In addition, Schmid recommends stocking at least three bottles at home–a classic bourbon (e.g., Knob Creek), a wheated bourbon (e.g., Maker’s Mark) and a high-rye bourbon (e.g., Four Roses). He also keeps one for cocktails, one for sipping and one for special occasions.

Of course, a book about bourbon has to include recipes. In lesson 7, you’ll find recipes for classics such as the Perfect Manhattan and the Mint Julep as well as others like the Bourbon Cobbler and the Louisville Lemonade.

Schmid also is the author of other books about alcohol, including The Old Fashioned: An Essential Guide to the Original Whiskey Cocktail and The Manhattan Cocktail: A Modern Guide to the Whiskey Classic. Currently, he is a chef and instructor at Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.


Image courtesy of University Press of Kentucky


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