Prospector Popcorn

Prospector Belgian chocolateGourmet popcorn with a cause? That was enough for me to accept an offer to give Prospector Popcorn a try.

The mission behind this nonprofit company is to empower people with disabilities with opportunities for employment. I love that the popcorn is made daily in an actual first-run movie theater (Prospector Theater) in Connecticut. About 74% of the theater’s workforce self-identifies with a disability.

The popcorn is served in 4 oz. bags ($7 for one, $20 for three) and comes in various flavors:

  • The Belgian chocolate toffee is so good. Why have I not had chocolate and toffee on popcorn until now? Pretzels also are part of the toppings, but I didn’t think they were necessary.
  • You could mistake the maple walnut ice cream for standard caramel popcorn, but the delicious maple and walnut flavors are definitely there. In fact, when you open the bag, take a big whiff. Not every piece has the “ice cream” frosting, but those that do are extra decadent.
  • The classic caramel is better than pretty much every caramel popcorn I’ve had. My main appreciation was the uniform coating and taste of the caramel.

Prospector maple walnutThe other flavors are chocolate strawberry, buffalo ranch, buffalo cheddar, sweet & spicy and cheddar & caramel.

Each bag is heat sealed and includes a “best by” date about a month after it was prepared, though I’m sure you’ll finish the bag well before then.

You can order Prospector Popcorn on its website.


Photos by Prospector Popcorn


One Response to “Prospector Popcorn”

  1. Pete says:

    Nice Popcorn. I’d eat it.

    Urban Air TryaTaste

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