
20190626_143610I wasn’t sure we needed another smoothie place at Hilldale Mall, but Bambu adds a unique twist by specializing in coffee, tea and che, which is a Vietnamese sweet beverage.

Bambu’s che are made to order with coconut water or coconut milk along with various exotic ingredients. You can choose from 11 different varieties, or you can create your own.

After much deliberation, I settled on the Summer Delight ($6). The coconut flavor was quite strong. At the same time, I was surprised how bland the jellies were. In fact, none of the other ingredients really added anything to this beverage, and the red tapioca wasn’t the right fit for this concoction.

Other che include the Red Bean Combo ($6 with red beans and taro), the Green Lantern ($6 with yellow mung beans) and the Fruit Addict ($7 with lychee and longan).

20190726_114634I had more success with other menu items. From the yogurt ($6.50) section, I chose kiwi over mango and strawberry. The yogurt itself is thick and creamy, and it’s very sweet from all the sugar (66 grams). The diced kiwi is super fresh.

Smoothies and premium smoothies are other menu options. I didn’t know what to expect when I ordered the avocado coffee ($7). The texture is that of blended avocado, which is the first flavor that reaches you, followed eventually by surprisingly good coffee. Considering avocado is a superfood, this would be an interesting way to start your day each day.

Bambu is open every day during lunch and dinner hours.

Bambu Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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