No substitutions!

Early in the movie “When Harry Met Sally,” the two are eating at a restaurant. Here’s how Sally orders:

“I’d like the chef salad please with the oil and vinegar on the side and the apple pie a la mode. But I’d like the pie heated and I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it. If not, then no ice cream just whipped cream, but only if it’s real. If it’s out of a can, then nothing.”

Yikes! Ever dined with a person like that? Maybe you are that person? Well, according to this New York Times article, restaurant owners are putting their foot down on customers over-personalizing their requests. That means no to having your bagel toasted, no to substituting the cheese on your burger, no to-go cups for your coffee.

As one owner said, “People just assume that every restaurant should be for everyone. To do this ‘Can I get this with no olives, can I get the salad chopped, sauce on the side’ — some of those special requests are ridiculous.”

In other words, the customer is always wrong.

What do you think? Should patrons of a restaurant be allowed to customize anything on the menu? Or should everything be served as-is, and if you don’t like it, don’t eat there?


One Response to “No substitutions!”

  1. Jason says:

    I think that customization in regards to removing items, isn’t so bad to request, but can be annoying for the chef. I can get behind the folks who create some of the more involved dishes wanting their work to be seen in its complete state, instead of being remade into someones favorite meal from home. If you want a personal chef, pay one, and if you don’t want to be pushed a little closer to your comfort zones edge, go to KFC.

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