Archive for the ‘Restaurant and Bar Reviews’ Category

WhatIF Foods

Sunday, February 5th, 2023

BamNut milkI was intrigued to learn that a company called WhatIF Foods is focused on regenerative agriculture through its innovative use of the Bambara Groundnut (which they call the BamNut). As a result, I accepted an offer to try WhatIF Foods’ BamNut milk and noodles. (more…)

Sabores Fusion Grill

Sunday, January 29th, 2023

Sabores Fusion GrillSabores Fusion Grill, located on State Street, has a menu with a wide range of Mexican and American items. As the name implies, some of those items are combined. (more…)


Sunday, January 15th, 2023

TazaMiddleton and the far west side of Madison have several restaurants, including Sofra and Freska, that serve Mediterranean fare. The area can now add another one to the tally with Taza. (more…)

    Urban Air TryaTaste

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