Archive for the ‘News and Observations’ Category

Remembering the college bar scene

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

I was saddened to read a recent New York Times story titled “Last Call for College Bars,” which described how fewer and fewer college students are going out to the bars.

Now, the sampling in the story was small and thus can’t be applied to the larger population, but there’s still evidence of it on some campuses. My reaction consists of surprise, mainly because I went to college in apparently a different era of packed campus bars. Plus, I follow the mantra of Homer Simpson, who said “I will never tire of the bar scene.”

I remember in the height of FAC (Friday After Class) in Madison, you could pick between Brothers and MadHatter’s (when they were across the street from each other) for $2 pitchers of domestic beer, and both would be near standing-room only by the late afternoon/early evening. Now Brothers is closed and MadHatters has moved and discontinued the special. Over in Iowa City during its FAC prime, lines at the bars used to form at noon, but not any longer.

The article talks about the increased focus on pre-barring at home, and I agree that doing so can save money, but it doesn’t mean to stay in all night. Going out is about seeing people and being seen. You’re not going to make new friends (or meet potential hook-ups) or have a crazy adventure at home.

One person interviewed in the article offers an explanation: “Students don’t need bars to create a community the way they used to.” That’s pitiful, since the author was implying that social media has replaced that need.

I say we have a stimulus package in which you find a college student, donate $10 to them and tell them to go spend it at the bars. Make ’em see what they’re missing. If they don’t go to the bars now, they may not in the future. And I don’t want to see a world in which bars are only full of old people like me talking about the good ol’ days … well, the days we remember, anyways.

What did I just eat?

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

Last night I had sweetbread for the first time. I had no idea what it was, but it tasted like liver to me. According to Wikipedia, sweetbread is usually the thymus or the pancreas of a calf or lamb. Unfortunately, there was no info on the etymology on the term sweetbread.

It’s puzzling to me that so many dishes have names that don’t indicate what the actual dish is. Here are some other examples (yes, I’ve eaten most of them):

  • Rocky Mountain oysters = bull calf testicles
  • Goober peas = boiled peanuts
  • Shit on a shingle = chipped beef on toast (with or without cream sauce)
  • Black pudding = blood sausage
  • Spotted Dick = a British steam suet pudding
  • Frito pie = chili, cheese and Fritos

What oddly named foods have you eaten or heard of?

Food fit for a queen

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

This week, Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee (60 years on the throne). The town of Gloucester is presenting her a lamprey pie, made from the lamprey eel (and coincidentally imported from the Great Lakes).

While lamprey pie is apparently a delicacy, I’m not sure how the Queen will take it. That begs the question: if you were going to give a member of royalty a food-related gift, what would it be? Let me know your thoughts in the informal survey:

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